Supporting processes/shared services

Energy suppliers of the power and gas sector, but also adjacent markets, need to restructure in face of a new economic and political framework. How can processes be reorganised? How can the efficiency of the company be preserved and improved in an environment of intensifying competition?

The company’s market experience, the willingness to innovate as well as a more and more important customer orientation are the key factors of success. For several years, outsourcing has been the centre of attention with regards to an efficient economic activity, especially in the IT-sector. IT-competence gradually becomes a strategic competitive factor in the energy industry, as well. Energy suppliers may ask themselves whether it is more effective and efficient to provide for this service internally or to outsource the task to single or multiple service providers. A partial or selective outsourcing of sub-processes or sub-services might be a solution for energy providers, as well.

A further option to raise efficiency within the company is the establishment of shared service centres that can be involved into the restructuring process of the complete company or combine respectively. Other branches already provide positive examples: Independent shared service centres function as service providers within the company as well as across its borders. Next to transparent, lowered costs, service orientation and an increase of efficiency additional revenues can be gained this way. But not nearly all the processes are suited for such a decentralised service or even a complete outsourcing. Different kinds of functions can be distinguished: For example service functions, planning and reporting functions and control functions.

Lista de todos los estudios multicliente del ámbito temático procesos de soporte/Shared Services:

11/2007 Der Markt für Personal- und Ingenieurdienstleistungen in der Ver- und Entsorgungswirtschaft bis 2015
planificado Personalberater bei EVU: Der Markt für Personalberatungsleistungenin der Energiewirtschaft bis 2015


Lista de todos los estudios multicliente relacionados al ámbito temático procesos de soporte/Shared Services:

12/2005 Gasnetze 2007: Unbundling, Prozessoptimierung, Marktpotenziale — Redes
06/2005 Stromnetze 2007: Unbundling, Prozessoptimierung, Marktpotenziale — Redes
planificado Netzintegration der Offshore-Windenergie in Deutschland: Problemfelder, Lösungsansätze, Marktentwicklung — Redes
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