
advice - analysis - sites - potential

As one of the leading market research institutes in the energy economy trend:research offers the basis to evaluate to what extent potential exists in the wind energy sector and which strategies can result for energy providers, manufacturers of components and sites, planning companies, service providers as well as municipalities and countries with the help of its market studies, analysis and advice. trend:research contributes with the results of its advice and analysis in this rapidly growing market, that the involved companies and relevant regions stay unaffected by unanticipated problems stemming from the realisation of planned projects and are better able to evaluate opportunities and risks of the further development of wind energy.


  • Market and competition analysis incl. Data and information about
    • Volume
    • Competitors
    • Market share and potential
    • Developments
    • Technologies and their potential
    • Appliances
    • Experiences
    • Prognosis
    • Trends
  • Advice and analysis for construction and repowering projects
  • Ranking of on- and offshore projects
  • Technical information about
    • Pilot projects
    • Prototypes
    • Patent/sample
    • Brands
  • Detailled market and vendor analysis for the site construction and the sub-supplier industry
  • Background information about the general conditions
  • Illustration of opportunities and risks, strategies, recommended actions, practical hints
  • Obtaining of offers (e.g. product information sheet) and certificates
  • Site selection/ analysis/ comparisons


  • Considerably improved initial position for the future strategic orientation by presented strategies and courses of action
  • Being more able to evaluate the market volume and the sales potential against the backdrop of the expected development
  • Being more able to evaluate the utilization of personnel and manufacture capacities
  • Basis of portfolio optimisation
  • Basis of customer segmentation
  • Basis of realisation planning in marketing and sale
  • Advantage through knowledge

Knowledge is the most important production factor and key to the success of projects, investments and transactions. Only the highest level of information enables the optimal strategy. We advise you purposefully in your project in order for you to avoid expensive wrong decisions and to be able to make profitable financial decisions.

trend:research as a branch specialist of the German energy economy is well aware of the market for renewable energies for years.

trend:research owns up-to-date comprehensive information about trend in technologies, relevant laws, markets and competition as well as strategies of existing and new competitors. Via the advice service of trend:research the customer partakes in a unique branch knowledge resulting from numerous studies, analysis and advice from more than eleven years of market research. Depending on the investment goal, kind and stage of transaction branch experts stand to the customer’s side as a personal and confidential contact person for each question.

In exclusive projects trend:research assists its customers on the base of its comprehensive knowledge in the most diverse company-specific tasks and questions and covers a broad spectrum of advice services.

Example: exclusive project about onshore wind energy plants



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